What medication can go in Biodose?
Almost all liquids, tablets and capsules can go into Biodose – the pods are hermetically sealed, so they’re even suitable for some hygroscopic (water absorbent) tablets which cannot be packaged in other monitored dosage systems.
Can controlled drugs go in Biodose?
Controlled drugs can be packaged into Biodose and can be locked in the CD cabinet provided, in accordance with care homes’ own medication policy.
How much medication does Biodose hold?
Biodose pods can hold a maximum of nine different tablets or capsules, or 10ml of liquid. Trays are available in weekly (7 day) or monthly (28 day) versions, to best suit the needs of the service user.
Won’t there be liquid left in the pod after the dose is taken?
The plastic used to make Biodose pods is naturally hydrophobic, meaning it repels liquid, so there is very little residue left in the pods after the liquid has been consumed.
What about PRNs?
Biodose pharmacies provide these to care homes in a separate tray on request.
Are liquids stable in Biodose?
Biodose pods are hermetically sealed with a patented sealing process so liquid medication remains stable in Biodose. Using Biodose means that the liquids are sealed until immediately before they are administered, as opposed to dispensing from original packs, where bottles are re-opened and exposed to air, light and bacteria multiple times per day.